Lunchtime Arrangements

At lunchtime children may bring a packed lunch in a suitable container, secure and clearly marked with their name. Drinks should not be brought in cans. We encourage children to eat healthily and would ask parents to support us in this task by ensuring your child’s packed lunch is nutritious and contains a balance of foods needed for a healthy diet.

Alternatively, a hot meal is available at a cost of £2.10 per day. Catering Academy provide the school meal service for Pearl Hyde. The meals do represent excellent value, and are healthy and tasty. A salad cart is also available as an extra choice of healthy food with any school meal.

A week's notice is usually required for a child to change from school meals to packed lunches.

During the lunch break, the children are supervised by our team of Dining Room Assistants (DRA’s). Children are expected to behave sensibly and orderly during the lunchtime sessions. Consistent inappropriate behaviour may result in a child having to go home for the lunch period.

Dinner Money Payment Information

Dinner money should be paid in advance either weekly or as far in advance as you prefer. You may use the school's on line payment service (a link can be found on the home page of this website, simply click on the Sims Agora icon), pay by cheque (payable to Pearl Hyde School) or by cash. The on line service is our preferred method of payment as it is the safest and quickest. You will not have to pay an additional fee.

You are able to check your child's balance on line so reminders will not necessarily be sent. If you owe for more than 3 dinners you may be requested to send in packed lunches from home until the debt has been settled.